Job Application




Start with your most recent/current employer. Provide your employment history and include military service (if any). Use the space at the end of this section to provide information related to gaps in employment, employers not listed, and/or employers you have marked as "no contact." Note that, without a compelling reason provided, all references will be checked before a final hiring decision is made (including present and other recent employers), and failure to provide authorization (again, without a good reason) could result in a decision not to offer employment.



Before signing the application, please check all the information on it to make sure it is correct and complete.

I certify that the information above is true and correct. I understand the employers and persons listed in this application may also be contacted for verification and references. I authorize the verification of the information I have provided. I further understand that any falsification, misrepresentation or omissions may be grounds for termination of my employment with this company at any time.

I understand the acceptance of this application and any other pre- employment processing by the company does not signify that a job opening exists and in no way is an offer of employment or a commitment of any kind by this company.

Except as to those employers that I did not authorize as references, above, I authorize human resources and/or the hiring supervisor at County Market to investigate my references, work record, education and other matters related to my suitability for employment, subject to any confidentiality or non-disclosure agreements between me and any previous employer, and/or any reference policies of my prior employer.

If hired, I understand that I will be provided a copy of the Employee Handbook, and that I will be subject to the policies of the handbook, as amended from time to time, and any lawful instructions of my supervisor. I understand that my employment will be at will, which means my employment can be terminated at any time, with or with use, and with or without notice, by Horseheads Jubilee or myself. I understand that only the President of Horseheads Jubilee has the authority to create any other terms of employment and/or to enter into any employment contract and that all such contracts must be in writing and signed by both parties.

I understand and acknowledge that, if a job offer is extended, it may be conditioned upon passing a drug test and/or criminal background check and/or credit history and/or pre-employment physical exam. The company complies with all applicable Federal and state laws related to such information, and I will be provided with the appropriate authorization and release forms, in the event a drug test and/or background check and/or credit history and/or pre- employment physical exam is/are required.

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